5 Ways To Ensure Success With Physical Therapy

After an illness, injury, or surgery, physical therapy is often part of the recovery process. For physical therapy to be successful, you need to have the right mindset to ensure success with your therapy.

#1: Bring Information 

During your first appointment with your physical therapist, you will want to ensure you come prepared. You want to ensure that your therapist understands your situation. Although your other medical professionals should have shared information with your therapist, you should also bring a list of medications you are taking and any X-rays or MRIs you have taken recently. You will want to ensure that they have a complete picture of your medical condition before you start working together.

#2: Dress for a Workout

Second, you are going to want to dress like you are going to work out. You are going to want to wear comfortable clothing as you might wear to the gym. You will also want to wear non-skid soles, such as a nice pair of tennis shoes. You will be moving around and working your body; you will want to ensure that you are ready for that type of movement, and the right clothing can help.

#3: Establish Goals

Third, you will want to work with your physical therapist to set goals for your rehabilitation. You are going to want to have a big goal that you are aiming for. You are also going to want to set smaller goals that all build towards your ultimate goal. That way, you have small things to celebrate along the way, and you have a big goal that is motivating you and driving your work.

#4: Work on Your Own

Fourth, you will want to have your therapist provide you with exercises that you can do on your own. You should have activities that you can work on in between your formal appointments. Doing these at-home exercises daily in between your formal appointments is often the key to success. Ensure you do your homework, and work on your own to reach your big goal.

#5: Be Careful With How Hard You Push

Fifth, you are going to want to be careful with how hard you push. You are going to want always to follow your therapist's instructions. Don't push yourself and do more reps or weight than your therapist recommends. Physical therapy is not about immediate results; it is about putting in the long-term work to get the desired results. 

If you want to succeed with physical therapy, you need to ensure your therapist is fully aware of your medical history. When you go to your appointments, dress for a workout, be careful with how hard you push, and be sure to work out on your own. Additionally, be sure to set big goals and smaller goals that will drive your workouts. 

Contact a company like Attentive Home Health to learn more.

About Me

Our Seniors Need Us And We Need Them

Hello everyone, I'm Sheryl Mendez. When I was in high school, I wanted to get accepted into the best college possible. One of the ways I tried to bolster my academic resume was by volunteering at a nursing home. When I first started volunteering, I never knew that I would develop a passion for senior care both at a nursing home and within the home. We often miss out on so much wisdom that our elders have to share with us. I have met so many seniors who want nothing more than to have others spend more time with them. Because of that, I have developed an interest in home health care and have decided to write a blog about it.


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