What You Need To Know About Alcohol And Seniors

If you have loved ones in your home who are seniors, you may have a lot of concerns about their health. One of those concerns may revolve around alcohol abuse. Alcoholism in seniors is more common than you might think. If you have a senior in your home, it is a good idea to learn more about alcohol abuse and its affect on the elderly.

The Importance of Safe Consumption & Healthcare

Nothing is wrong with safe and responsible consumption of alcohol. Even seniors who live in nursing homes may occasionally have a drink, but seniors require more care, when it comes to risks associated with alcohol consumption. For seniors who already live with dementia or heart disease, alcohol may not be a good idea. For those who are in good health otherwise, you should consult with a doctor and ensure your loved one's consumption is not leading to any potential complications.

Why Are Seniors Different?

Seniors must take into account a variety of different factors that younger people may not. For example, alcohol tolerance can weaken with age, which means seniors may begin to feel the effects of alcohol sooner than others. This is a result of the body having more difficulty metabolizing alcohol. A senior who drinks and feels more of the effects sooner may suffer from memory and coordination problems, which can lead to falls. Seniors who have certain health conditions, like diabetes and osteoporosis, may see aggravating circumstances. Individuals who are malnourished may also experience detrimental effects of alcohol. This also applies to seniors who take certain medications, which can have risky interactions with alcohol. In some cases, this can be dangerous. Seniors may also experience emotional differences. For example, a senior who recently lost their spouse may suffer with isolation and sadness that alcohol may exacerbate. When a senior does not have a strong support system, this can lead to alcoholism or dependence on alcohol to get over some of these intense feelings.

What Should You Do?

If you believe your senior loved one may need additional care, home health care may provide assistance. Whether your loved one is experiencing the symptoms of late onset alcoholism or your loved one simply feels the effects of alcohol more severely, you may need help caring for him or her. Nobody wants to prevent their loved one from something they enjoy, but watching out for you loved one's health is crucial. If you feel that the burden is more than you can bear, do not hesitate to reach out to a elderly home care service provider.

About Me

Our Seniors Need Us And We Need Them

Hello everyone, I'm Sheryl Mendez. When I was in high school, I wanted to get accepted into the best college possible. One of the ways I tried to bolster my academic resume was by volunteering at a nursing home. When I first started volunteering, I never knew that I would develop a passion for senior care both at a nursing home and within the home. We often miss out on so much wisdom that our elders have to share with us. I have met so many seniors who want nothing more than to have others spend more time with them. Because of that, I have developed an interest in home health care and have decided to write a blog about it.


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